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Are you sick of your debt holding you down? This new year is the perfect time for you to take a hold of your debt and to improve your credit score. According to, there has been at least a $300 billion increase of total US debt for the last 10 years. The speculated debt … Read more

Did you know that December is often the most expensive month of the year? In Northern U.S. states, heating and electricity bills increase for families in order to pay for the dropping outdoor temperatures. With cold weather and shortened days comes higher transportation costs, and a reduction in people walking and bicycling around. This is … Read more

Calls from collection agencies can sometimes be intimidating and confusing, whether it’s from a scammer or not. The Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) prohibits debt collectors from using unfair, deceptive, or abusive methods to collect debt. But there’s still the notion that you owe money to someone and they’re trying to get you … Read more

In 2015, the average student debt for college graduates in the United States was $35,000, which was up 6% from 2014. The class of 2015 saw the most student in U.S. history and were part of 70% of all students who graduated. Average student debt jumped another $2,000 in 2016 in the U.S., and with … Read more

Recently we covered the importance of paying back your student loans before they negatively affect your credit score. Similar to credit cards and other loans, student loan payments should be made on time every month after you graduate from college. If you miss or are late with a student loan payment, your debt delinquency timeline will … Read more

Do you use student loans to pay for your college tuition? As of 2017, more than 44 million Americans have student loan debt with a total debt sum of $1.45 trillion ( Of the 44 million, 11.2 percent (almost 5 million) of Americans are in default or have student debt delinquency of at least 90 … Read more

Have you recently been denied for a credit card due to bad credit? Unsure of how it’s gotten to that point? If you’re suffering with bad credit, you’re one of many Americans. This article will describe how bad credit is determined and how to get approved for a credit card despite a low credit score. What … Read more

Everything in today’s economy is run on credit. The amount of your mortgage loan is dependent on the condition of your credit score. Are you applying for a college student loan? Your credit score plays a major role in that request as well. This article will present the importance of having a good credit score, … Read more

Are you on the lookout for your first credit card? Or have you had bad credit card experiences and want to improve your credit score? This article might not dive deep into credit score improvements, but it will provide a careful understanding on how to best utilize your credit card for a better credit score … Read more

Do you have trouble paying back credit cards? Have you been avoiding a collection agency? From the moment you first skip a credit payment to when a collection agency takes you to court, this article will describe the different stages of the debt delinquency timeline. Stage 1: Beginning of Your Debt Delinquency Your debt delinquency … Read more