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Arkansas Commercial Collection Agency

Are you a resident or corporate employee in Arkansas? If so, we hope you will find the following summary of collection laws and state statistics helpful with learning. Arkansas is home to several different types of laws including state corporation laws, deceptive trade practices, consumer laws, and more. While Arkansas consumers can be protected from certain debt collectors via a licensing statute, it doesn’t include protection from original creditors ( This can complicate how collection agencies like Prestige Services, Inc., (PSI) reach out to debtors on behalf of creditors; fortunately PSI has outstanding customer service and appliance with state laws to reach successful outcomes. There are several different factors and aspects involved with debt collections and state credit statistics. According to, one of the biggest codes is Arkansas’ Deceptive Trade Practice Laws; which gives the attorney general authority to prosecute cases and file an order for an injunction to stop the offending practices. Offending practices include making false/damaging claims about other businesses, and promoting an item or service without the intention of following through ( With the Deceptive Trade Practice Law, Fair Debt Collection Act, and other laws, Arkansas has developed a strong economy in recent years. In 2015, total estimated government spending was more than $23 billion, with almost $8,000 in per capita spending. From 2012 numbers, state debt per capita was $12,785 and total state debt was approximately $37.7 billion. ( Below is a summary of other Arkansas collection laws, including the most recent interest rate, statute of limitations, bad check laws, and collection agency bond and license information. These laws are meant to protect Arkansas creditors and debtors, and to ensure the debt collection process maintains an appropriate and legal process. Check Laws by Cities in Arkansas


INTEREST RATE Legal: 6% or 5 points above the Fed. discount rate Judgment 5 points above the Federal discount rate or 10% per annum whichever is less STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS (IN YEARS) Open Acct: 3 – Written Contract 5 (partial payment stops the statute from running) – Sale of Goods: (UCC-2) – 4 – Domestic Judgment 10 – Renewable – Foreign Judgment 10 BAD CHECK LAWS (CIVIL PENALTY) Twice the amount of check – prior to double charge – can start out with $15 charge per NSF check after 30 days. GENERAL GARNISHMENT EXEMPTIONS $500 head of family; $200 single. Includes personal property except clothing. COLLECTION AGENCY BOND & LICENSE Bond: $5000/$1500 Branch – License: Yes – Fee: $125 -$5 each employee * These are not comprehensive statutes and therefore and Prestige Services, Inc. disclaims any liability resulting from reliance by any party upon the legality and accuracy of the contents thereof.

Below is a list of the states in the US that we cover. We are a nationwide operation and service all states, as well as Canada & Mexico.

Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Puerto Rico