Dec 13, 2017
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Nov 29, 2017
How to Recognize a Debt Collector Scam
Calls from collection agencies can sometimes be intimidating and confusing, whether it’s from a scammer or not. The Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) prohibits debt collectors from using unfair, deceptive,…Nov 17, 2017
Top 5 U.S. States with Student Loan Debt
In 2015, the average student debt for college graduates in the United States was $35,000, which was up 6% from 2014. The class of 2015 saw the most student in U.S. history…Oct 27, 2017
Do Collection Agencies Collect Student Debt?
Recently we covered the importance of paying back your student loans before they negatively affect your credit score. Similar to credit cards and other loans, student loan payments should be made on…Oct 20, 2017
Do Student Loans Affect Your Credit Score?
Do you use student loans to pay for your college tuition? As of 2017, more than 44 million Americans have student loan debt with a total debt sum of $1.45 trillion (….Sep 28, 2017
Can I Get a Credit Card with Bad Credit?
Have you recently been denied for a credit card due to bad credit? Unsure of how it’s gotten to that point? If you’re suffering with bad credit, you’re one of many Americans….Sep 13, 2017
How Do I Get Good Credit?
Everything in today’s economy is run on credit. The amount of your mortgage loan is dependent on the condition of your credit score. Are you applying for a college student loan? Your…Aug 30, 2017
5 Tips For Best Utilizing Your Credit Card
Are you on the lookout for your first credit card? Or have you had bad credit card experiences and want to improve your credit score? This article might not dive deep into…Aug 16, 2017
What is a Debt Delinquency Timeline?
Do you have trouble paying back credit cards? Have you been avoiding a collection agency? From the moment you first skip a credit payment to when a collection agency takes you to…Jul 26, 2017
National Debt vs. State Debt
Do you know how different state and national debt are? How about budget deficit or budget surplus? Budget deficit is an important term used when the amount of money spent exceeds the…We are an international collection agency and service the entire U.S. as well as foreign countries. In addition, we represent clients from any country outside the U.S. Let us know how we can help you today! Contact us here »