Mar 21, 2019
Categories for Blog, California
Feb 28, 2019
How to Hire a Commercial Debt Collection Agency in Bridgeport
As one of the richest states in the United States, Connecticut has several problems with its budget and commercial funding. In cities surrounding Bridgeport, corporate giants are leaving and thus cutting jobs…Feb 23, 2019
Commercial Debt Collection in Chicago
Have you ever wondered what happens if Chicago businesses don’t make their payments? This article will describe different commercial debt collection laws and how they are practiced in Chicago. Chicago Debt Collection…Jan 31, 2019
Commercial Debt Collection in NYC
Do you live in New York City and know a company who owes you outstanding debt? Do you know the laws and regulations of collecting commercial debt in New York City? Every…Jan 26, 2019
Commercial Debt Collection in China
In December 2018, we discussed international commercial debt collection and the different aspects of it. At Prestige Services, Inc., we provide commercial debt collection services in countries like Mexico and Canada. Every…Dec 27, 2018
Advantages of International Debt Collection
Earlier in December, we explained what international debt collection is and why it’s such an important aspect of Prestige Services, Inc. In order to be able to practice international debt collection, an…Dec 12, 2018
What is International Debt Collection?
At Prestige Services, Inc., we offer professional debt collection management services for national and international commercial accounts. We provide commercial debt collection services to every U.S. state, and in other countries like…Nov 28, 2018
Should I Make a Deal on an Invoice?
We’ve covered how to communicate with clients with unpaid invoices and how to determine effective payment plans for those clients. Have you ever considered making a deal with a client on an unpaid…Nov 20, 2018
How To Talk to Clients with Unpaid Invoices
There’s always going to be a client who doesn’t pay their invoice. Some clients are unable to pay their invoices and some just refuse to even if they can. If you ignore…Oct 29, 2018
What Is A Commercial Loan?
A commercial loan is a funding agreement that usually takes place between a financial institution and a business. These types of loans take place for a variety of reasons; in some cases,…We are an international collection agency and service the entire U.S. as well as foreign countries. In addition, we represent clients from any country outside the U.S. Let us know how we can help you today! Contact us here »