
Categories for Blog, Kentucky

Dec 29, 2023

Commercial Debt Collection Laws in Versailles KY

Versailles, pronounced “ver-SALES” by locals, is one of Kentucky’s oldest cities, steeped in history that reflects the state’s cultural heritage. The city is located in north-central Kentucky and has a population of…
Jun 25, 2021

Commercial Debt Collection in Lexington

Lexington is the second largest city in the blue grass state with 323,152 residents. Known as a scenic hub for the horse racing industry, the area around Lexington is filled with horse…
May 30, 2020

Commercial Debt Collection in Louisville

Named after King louis XVI of France, Louisville is the largest city in population and size in Kentucky. Classified by its state as “first-class,” Louisville has historically had a rich economy, thriving…

We are an international collection agency and service the entire U.S. as well as foreign countries. In addition, we represent clients from any country outside the U.S. Let us know how we can help you today! Contact us here »

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