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Commercial Debt Collection in Los Angeles

So far in 2019, we’ve discussed commercial debt collection in a variety of locations around the United States and the world including Connecticut, Illinois, New York, and China. This article explains the commercial debt collection practices in Los Angeles (LA), California, and why the city focuses on utilizing all available resources to increase the collection of commercial and consumer debt.

How LA Differs Than The Rest

The state of California and local LA governments consider debt as large obstacles to financial success within the state. This is one reason why LA works to maintain good relationships with collection agencies and to hold consistent referrals of delinquent accounts (more than $5,000) to its Citywide Collection Unit.

Eliminating debt goes hand-in-hand with another focus of LA—to educate debtors of best collection practices and keep companies and consumers updated with debt collection efforts. To help maintain education and safe debt collection efforts, LA implements a California Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and the federal FDCPA. Despite the strict requirement that collection agencies follow the federal and state FDCPAs, the laws don’t apply to commercial debt collection.

For commercial collection agencies that practice in California, professionals can obtain a prejudgment writ of attachment remedy. This prejudgment writ permits creditors to access assets prior to a judgment in case they need to secure a business obligation for more than $500.

For more information on California’s commercial debt collection best practices, visit

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